Unclassified Writing

As a Royal Literary Fund Fellow at the University of Leeds in 2023, I was commissioned by the RLF to contribute to their Collected series of articles about writing. In ‘Unclassified Writing’ I chose to focus on the particular challenges of writing about the violinist Nigel Kennedy, a musician whose career I have followed closelyContinue reading “Unclassified Writing”

Here begins the blog…

Here begins the blog… I won’t know quite what I’m doing here for a while, but I’m committed to writing something about what I’m up to. I’m currently in lockdown, but enjoying the bright crisp weather (rather than the drab damp with which it alternates). I have various writing projects on the go, and will hope to make progress. I need to write something about ‘forgetting’ for the University of Canberra staff exhibition on that theme.